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Looking Back: GLOBO's 2020 Year in Review

2020 Year in Review

At GLOBO, we believe the future is empathetic.

2020 underscored that vision.

2020 required the best from us under challenging circumstances. This year, GLOBO employees showed resilience, empathy, and innovative thinking -- all to make sure that limited English speakers retained the ability to communicate, even as the world changed. As we look back at the year we’ve had, we can’t help but be grateful.


Grateful for our customers, who trust us with providing critical services that enable them to communicate with the limited-English speaking population. 

Grateful for our employees, who gracefully and expertly handled a company-wide transition to remote work.

Grateful to our community of linguists, who provide an incredibly skilled service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 


As the clock ticks closer to 2021, we’re looking back at the wins we had this year that reminded us to be grateful, even in the most challenging of times.


This year at GLOBO, we:


Helped People Communicate



Languages Filled in 2020


YOY Increase in Video Remote Interpreting Appointments

Spanish & Arabic

Were Our Top-requested Languages




Multilingual Video Remote Interpreting
In response to the increased demand for virtual appointments, GLOBO's Engineering Team sped up an existing project on our roadmap and developed Multiparticipant Video Remote Interpreting, a solution which enables multiple callers to join a video call with an interpreter.


Made a Difference

GLOBO Interpreter Armando Hasbun

GLOBO interpreter Armando Hasbun (pictured above) provided interpreting services for the City of Philadelphia's daily press briefings related to COVID-19, as well as press conferences related to voter information and translation for voting-related documents.




Happy Birthday to Us! GLOBO turned 10

Listed on Nimdzi Interpreting Index of Top Interpreting Providers
Featured on Inc. 500|5000 List of Fastest Growing Companies


Came Together

GLOBO Employees on Zoom


Hours GLOBO Employees  Spent on Zoom


Virtual Happy Hours




GLOBO Pet Photos Uploaded to Slack



The Future is Empathetic —

we're lookin' at you, 2021!



As we move into the New Year, we invite you to look back at 2020 with a grateful heart, and challenge you to bring an empathetic attitude into 2021. 


Wishing You & Yours a Happy New Year!

Additional Resources